sru:version: 1.2; sru:query: fcs.rf="mecmua.7_82"; fcs:x-context: mecmua; fcs:x-dataview: title,full; sru:startRecord: 1; sru:maximumRecords: 10; sru:query: fcs.rf="mecmua.7_82"; sru:baseUrl: ; fcs:returnedRecords: 1; fcs:duration: PT0.027S PT0.06S; fcs:transformedQuery: /descendant-or-self::fcs:resourceFragment[ft:query(@resourcefragment-pid,<query><phrase>mecmua.7_82</phrase></query>)];
1 - 1

HStAOrient5a: 42r

[Drawing (1): description:

Ms. Orient 5a, top of fol. 42r: drawing (1) / circle of the celestial sphere. The drawing consists of 13 concentric circles , with two straight lines that intersect at the center of the circle:

Center of the circle (= the intersection of lines)] merkez‑i ʿālem

[1. circle] küre‑i arż

[2. circle] küre‑i māʾ

[3. circle] küre‑i havā

[4. circle] küre‑i nār

[5. circle] felek‑i Qamer

[6. circle] felek‑i ʿUṭārid

[7. circle] felek‑i Zühre

[8. circle] felek‑i Şems

[9. circle] felek‑i Mirrīḥ

[10. circle] felek‑i Müşterī

[11. circle] felek‑i Züḥal

[12. circle] felek‑i Sevābit

[Orient 5a has in this circle also:]

burc‑i ḥūt burc‑i ḥamel burc‑i s̱evr burc‑i cevzā burc‑i sereṭān burc‑i esed burc‑i sünbüle burc‑i mīzān burc‑i ʿaqreb burc‑i qavs burc‑i cedī burc‑i delv

[13. circle] felekü l‑eflāk

Orient 5a has also (beside “burc‑i mīzān): noqṭa‑i mīzān

@type: ordered
Straight line (on both ends):
item: quṭb‑i ʿālem‑i ṣuver bir kevkebdür ismi
Orient 5a (beside word “burc‑i qavs”):


@type: unordered
item: qutb‑i ʿālem‑i semāʾī bir kevkebdür ismi
Orient 5a (beside: “burc‑i sereṭān”):


@type: unordered
item: miḥverü r‑rūḥ
Orient 5a has 2x along the straight line:

2. Straight line (on both ends):

@type: unordered
item: quṭb‑i bürūc‑i şimālī
Orient 5a (beside “burc‑i delv”):
item: quṭb‑i bürūc‑i cenūb
Orient 5a (beside „burc‑i sereṭān“):

Another straight line in Orient 5a is between Cedī and Sereṭān and does not pass through the center of the circle (the celestial sphere).

[Mesʾele] fī ḥareketi l‑eflāk. Cevāb: Maʿlūm ola ki cümle‑i eflākuñ // ḥarekātına bu muḫtaṣarda vuqūf‑i müyesser degüldür. Ammā [ẕikr‑i] icmālī budur ki // arżışāmil olan eflākuñ ḥarekātı iki qısmdur. Qısm‑i // evvel maşriqden maġribe deverān[dur] qısm‑i s̱ānī maġribden maşriqe // güẕerāndur ve qısm‑i evvelde eflāk-i erbaʿa müştereklerdür. Evvel // ḥareket felek‑i aʿẓamdur ki ḥavle merkez-i ʿālemde şarqdan ġarba ḥareket

Marginal note (1) Orient 5a fol. 42r, middle:

Şeyḫ Muḥyīddīn ʿArabī quddise sırruhū qavlince // ʿarş u kürsī ẕikr olınan eflāk‑i // tisʿaʾi muḥīṭdür ve ʿarş‑i kürsīʾi // muḥīṭdür. Pes mecmūʿ‑i eflāk‑i // küllīye anuñ qavlince on bir // olur. Allāhu aʿlam. // Ve şeyḫüñ meẕhebi budur ki // ʿarş u kürs ve felek‑i s̱evābit // ḫarq ve iltiyāmı qabūl ėtmez // ammā bāqīsi ʿunṣurıdur qabūl // ėderler dėr [?]. Min lehū.

Marginal note (2) Orient 5a, bottom of fol. 42r:

Pes şeyḫüñ kelāmından // münfehim oldı‑ki eflāk‑i // sebʿa‑i semāvīyenüñ // ḫulqı arżdan müteʾaḫḫar // ola. Ammā eflāk‑i // s̱ābite erbaʿa maʿdūm // ola. Min lehū.